Education Courses

Academy / College / University After School Activities (Chugim) Art Classes Bar Mitzva Tutors Courses Hebrew / Ulpan / Languages Kindergarten/Ganim Music Nurseries Other Schools Sport / Martial arts Summer Camps Tutors / Private Instructors Yeshivot/Torah schools)
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Beginner Web Design Course


Shavuout Retreat in Beautiful Bat Ayin

Education Bat Ayin Bat Ayin

Start your own English tutoring business! FREE WEBINAR


Olives to Oil: Creative Writing

Education Jerusalem

NEABPD's Family Connections Program at The Place

Education 2 Sheshet Hayamim, Apartment 19, Knissa Gimmel Jerusalem

Interested in teaching English PRIVATELY?


Online Courses at Hebrew University of Jerusalem

Education Mount Scopus Jerusalem

Training Group for Trauma at no cost 03/28 10 am Via Zoom


Olimyachad Coffee & Hebrew Club

Education Zoom

Take the SAT Instead of the English Psychometric? Yes, You Can!

Education Jabotinsky 5, Beit Avgad, First Floor Ramat Gan

Improve your Bridge play

Education HaMada 21a Zichron Yaakov

German Language Classes


Develop a New English Tutoring Career!

Education David Yellin College Via Zoom

Spiritual Protections Learn Torah & practice Guided Meditations

Education Midreshet B’erot Bat Ayin, 1 Yeffe Nof Bat Ayin

Fall Program: Go To Your Inner Selves

Education Midreshet B’erot Bat Ayin Bat Ayin

Elul Program: Rise To Your Higher Self

Education Midreshet B’erot Bat Ayin, 1 Yeffe Nof Bat Ayin

Energy Healing from the Torah! Healing with the Sefirot Course.


Rise To Your Higher Self

Education Midreshet B’erot Bat Ayin, 1 Yeffe Nof Bat Ayin

Kabbalah and Self-healing course: Healing with the Sefirot!


Emunahealing Circle: Strengthen the Divine Spark Within Yourself

Education Bat Ayin

Cupping Course

Education Bait.Vegan Jerusalem

Corporate Training Solutions

Education 12806 Townepark Way, Louisville, KY, United States, Kentucky Louisville

Emunahealing Circle with Rebbetzin Chana Siegelbaum

Education Midreshet B’erot Bat Ayin, 1 Yeffe Nof Bat Ayin

Doula Training from veteren doula

Education 18/11 Nachal Habesor Street Beit Shemesh

EmunaHealing Circle! Restore your soul as one, on summer Sundays

Education Zoom