I am seeking some volunteers to visit my mother.
My mother, Shirley Miner, is an American Oleh, and currently lives in Rechavia. She is in her 90's, home-bound, and has a live-in home aide to assist her with her daily needs. Other than this, she is pretty much isolated and alone.
Though she is quite elderly, she is focused and alert and interested in things around her. She is friendly and cheerful, witty and engaging and conversational. She is very pleasant company.
My mother enjoys working on Sudoku puzzles, and enjoys the challenge of filing in the numbers in the grid to complete the square. But she works on them all alone. If she had a visitor - or a rotation of visitors - to sit and work on these puzzles together with her, it would be most enjoyable and comforting for her.
The same would apply if they could play board games with her - games that stimulate the mind and heart. These can be supplemented with general visiting protocols - listening to her stories, sharing their own, reading interesting news items to her, sharing a Torah thought, offering ideas for fun things to do, and - last but not least - sharing a good joke. My mother likes to laugh.
In summary, I am seeking visitors for my mother, with a special interest in those who could work on Sudoku puzzles with her.
Perhaps there are organizations who might help. Perhaps some students in the men's and women's Yeshivas would be willing to help. If you have any ideas, please email me their names and contact information.
My email address is [email protected]. In the subject field, please type something like "visitors for mother" and "Janglo". This way I'll know it's not SPAM and won't delete it.
If something could be arranged for my mother, it would be a big Mitzvah for all parties involved, and a nice merit for the Jewish New Year.
Thank you.
David Miner - Highland Park, NJ