Books for sale in english everything must go now

Stuff For Sale

Books for sale in english everything must go now
02 5664890 [email protected]
46 schachal street Jerusalem

I am selling books in english and everything must go now

texas outlaw by james patterson 

city of secrets by victoria thompson

country by danielle steel

the underground railroad 

complications by danielle steel

beauchamp hall by danielle steel

the fifth colum, by andrew gross

to kill a man by sam boune

a good woman by danille steel

private rogue by james patterson

the wedding dress  by danielle steel

prince harry spare

muder in book store

flying angels  by danieile steel

hilary cliton &louise penny  state of terror 

into the fire by greg Hurwitz

the adventures of sherlock holmes

all books are 5 nis each 

call geela at 02-5664890

or email at [email protected]
