Family of autistic teen who suffered swastika carving settles with Nevada school district


Family of autistic teen who suffered swastika carving settles with Nevada school district


Ziporah Reich of the Lawfare Project said the group encourages “any family experiencing antisemitism at their school to reach out.”

The Clark County School District in Nevada will compensate a family whose non-verbal, autistic student returned home after classes with a swastika carved into his back on March 9, 2023.

The Lawfare Project announced on Thursday that the group and its partners had reached a settlement on behalf of the unnamed Jewish boy, which includes monetary compensation and educational services outside of the school.

“I’m especially grateful to Hillary Freeman and Lori Rogich, who worked tirelessly to help achieve this positive outcome, director of litigation at the Lawfare Project, told JNS. “The Lawfare Project will continue to monitor CCSD and encourage any family experiencing antisemitism at their school to reach out to us.”

A spokesman for the Lawfare Project told JNS that law-enforcement officials have not yet identified the individual(s) who carved the swastika on the boy’s back.

Brooke Goldstein, founder and executive director of the Lawfare Project, said, “This abhorrent and disgusting attack on our client should have never happened and moving forward, we hope that the Clark County School District will ensure the safety of all their Jewish students.”

Reich said the settlement brings “some measure of justice to the student and his family.”


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