Dr. Yehoshua Sherman Law Office - Israeli & International Taxation


Dr. Yehoshua Sherman Law Office - Israeli & International Taxation
03-6333299 [email protected] https://shermantax.co.il/en/en-home/
Ben Gurion 2, Besser 1 Ramat-Gan

Our law firm was founded by Dr. Yehoshua Sherman, who prior to working in the private sector was the Director of The International Tax Department in the legal offices of the Israel Income Tax Authority. In that position Dr. Sherman participated in the negotiation of more than 25 Double Taxation Conventions and represented Israel before the OECD regarding the taxation of e-commerce. 

The firm provides a broad scope of legal services to both individuals and corporations on tax issues and specializes in matters involving international taxation questions. 

Among our clients are both residents of Israel and foreign residents to whom we provide the writing of legal opinions, tax-planning, representation before the Tax Authorities in Israel and abroad as well as conducting tax appeals before the courts in Israel.


  • Relocation
  • Taxation of new immigrants and returning Israelis
  • Israel's Double Taxation Conventions
  • Israeli Controlled Foreign Service Companies
  • Israel's Foreign Passive Income provisions
  • Issues of "Permanent Establishment"
  • Israeli incomes derived via US LLCs
  • Israel's Capital Investment Encouragement Law
  • V.A.T in international transactions
  • Taxation of intellectual property transactions

You can find more detailed information about the areas of practice of our office at the following link.

On our office website we provide informative reviews on various issues which frequently arise in international taxation, inter alia:

For more information , Publications and Articles go to:


Office Tel. 03-6333299      mobile 0544-384222.

E-mail: [email protected]

Address: Ben Gurion 2, Besser 1, Ramat Gan

Notice: Due to the potential damage of unfair and biased comments Janglo allows only positive reviews.