Tivuch Revolution


Tivuch Revolution
0548495204 [email protected]
Ramat eshkol

Tivuch Revolution- 'Where Everyone Gains!'
Long Term Rentals specialising in Ramat Eshkol, Sanhedria area.
big datebase with many great rentals.
To insure that we are the leading agency we offer bonuses to those using our service. 
We offer up to $200 Bonus if you let our agency find you a tenant .
We also offer another $200 reduction in the agent fee for the searching Tenant.
We are also doing Sukkos Rentals all around jerusalem.
Join the revolution 
0548495204 / [email protected]


Clients Satisfaction

Notice: Due to the potential damage of unfair and biased comments Janglo allows only positive reviews.
Tivuch Revolution
8 years ago

pleasure to deal with