Aromatherapy | Energy Medicine | Emuna by "Emunaroma"


Aromatherapy | Energy Medicine | Emuna by "Emunaroma"
052-293-0367 [email protected]
16 Daniel Street, Morasha, Jerusalem

If you're having issues with:
  • ADHD
  • Weight management
  • Anger management
  • Insomnia
  • Depression
  • Stress
 Jewish Energy Medicine could help you! 

Check out: for more details.
Charge: 180 nis an hour - and G-d willing, you should see some real changes within a week or two. 


Emunaroma blends healing essential oils with cutting edge energy medicine exercises and techniques and a big dose of emuna to help our clients de-stress, feel good, and to really understand the spiritual reasons behind their physical illnesses and problems.

English speaking, for women only.

Located in Morasha, a five minute walk from the light rail.

Check out our website and blog at: 


Clients Satisfaction

Notice: Due to the potential damage of unfair and biased comments Janglo allows only positive reviews.
such a caring soul!
9 years ago

Sarah Prais
Thoroughly Recommend
9 years ago

I am usually a real hard sell on any kind of alternative healing. I turned to Rivka in despair after my father passed away. One session was enough to take the edge of the pain that was crippling me. She has since helped me to find the strength and confidence to move forward from my extreme grief and to find happiness in my everyday life.

High recommendations for Rivka's work
9 years ago

Rivka's energy work comes from within the depth of her heart and penetrates deeply, healing any broken or misplaced parts of one's soul and body. Rivka is gentle, caring, and she REALLY wants to help! All of the techniques she uses are "kosher" and based on Jewish teachings and tradition. She helps me greatly to deal with any challenging life situation and see the connection between my emotions and body reactions. I feel Rivka strengthens me not only physically, but also spiritually!

9 years ago

I would highly recommend Rivka. I had some unresloved issues in my personal life and had tried various approaches and methods, mainly conventional. However, Rivka is different as she is working on a deep spiritural level and really understands the Neshama and how it works. Rivka has really managed to help me by making me more conscious of my thoughts and behaviour which has resulted in some very positive changes in my life.