Life Story on Film, Broadcast Video productions.


Life Story on Film, Broadcast Video productions.

I record you and make a film about your life. I produce an edited film for you & your family. It's simple. It's effortless. It's invaluable.

We also undertake VIDEO and TV productions. 

 Who is this meant for?

Everyone should take some time to either write or record their memoirs.
At least it could be in the form of a diary or you could even try to record yourself.
HerHIStory believes the best policy is ‘don’t wait till its too late’.
One never knows what the future holds and even though we are living longer, memories fade.
How I wish I had filmed my late father, RIP.
He died suddenly many years ago and its a shame I missed the chance to film his story.
Wouldn’t it be marvellous to see our ancestors talking.

It would be great to film parents or grandparents, aunts or uncles,
for everyone it would make a perfect and unique gift.
Anyone can leave a legacy for future generations.

HerHIStory can take the weight off your shoulders.

   I am happy to help with all  enquiries

 Barry Levinson has a lifetime of experience in TV, film & documentary making 

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