The Judah S. Harris Purim Newsletter


The Judah S. Harris Purim Newsletter
Virtual (Zoom, FB, Youtube, etc) 17/03/2022 20/03/2022 Starts 12:00 Ends 12:00

The Judah S. Harris Purim Newsletter"

Rav Soloveitchik’s Purim Question" - a short essay about a fundamental difference between Purim and Chanukah

3 Short Films - The Day Before Purim: Jerusalem Scenes (5 min), Band on Ben Yehuda Street Purim Night (2 min), Hadassah’s Purim Seudah (6 min)

Humor - a LinkedIn job for a professional grammen writer, Saving money on Purim costumes, Pillsbury Hamantaschen Dough, and more


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