Facebook Ad Account Blocked - Help


Facebook Ad Account Blocked - Help


I am looking for insight on an issue I am having with blocked ad accounts and shop accounts on Facebook. I run a small baby business on Etsy called Olivia & Jade. I set up an Instagram/Facebook page when I first started, my business Facebook page was set up through business manager. I ran ads through Instagram from January to April. In April 2021, my ad account on both platforms got blocked. Facebook required me to go through a verification process on my personal account and my business account. I went through the verification process on Facebook, gave them my EIN, website, address, number etc. and have reached out to them over the months for a response or update on why my account is still blocked if I gave them all the information. The confirmed they got it and kept saying that they couldn't verify my number or website even though I did verification for both of those. The ads I run are not on political, social issues. If anyone knows anything on this issue or a contact at Facebook that can help me, please reach out via email provided. My viewership and business has been at a stand still since my ad account has been blocked.




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