Shabbat Shuvah shiur tomorrow on Zoom by Dr. Beni Gesundheit


Shabbat Shuvah shiur tomorrow on Zoom by Dr. Beni Gesundheit
Virtual (Zoom, FB, Youtube, etc) 29/09/2022 29/09/2022 Starts 20:15 Ends 21:15 and Torah in Motion are pleased to present: Teshuvah in Tanakh by Dr. Beni Gesundheit. This four-part series takes place via Zoom on Thursdays in September at 1:15pm EDT / 8:15pm Israel time.

Join us this Thursday, September 29 for a shiur on the topic of "Hoshea 14, 2-10. (Haftarah for Shabbat Shuvah)."

The series focuses on the topic of Teshuvah, the common thread within the three Haftarot and the Torah reading of Parashat Teshuvah (Devarim 30), which are read during this time period. Each class is a stand-alone shiur.

The shiur is open to the public - all are welcome! The class is free but registration is required.

Click here for details, registration, source sheets & recordings of past shiurim:

User-friendly handouts will be posted on the shiur page.

If you can't make it, recordings will also be posted a few days after each shiur.

About the lecturer: Dr. Beni Gesundheit is an alumnus of Yeshivat Har Etzion who gives lectures on Torah content at various colleges and communities around Israel. Dr. Gesundheit is also a pediatrician in the field of oncology and research, with a PHD in medical ethics.


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