Today is my sister's, Nili Avrahamy, 1st yahrzeit.


Today is my sister's, Nili Avrahamy, 1st yahrzeit.


Today, the 12th of Cheshvan,

is my sister's, Nili Avrahamy, 1st yahrzeit.

A year ago she passed away from cancer.

We miss her very much.

There is a memorial page in her memory at:

Today, tomorrow or whenever you can,

please put a few coins in any charity box

in memory of: Nili bat Avraham Itzhak.

Thank You!

May her neshama have an Aliyah.

May her memory be for a blessing.

Jacob Richman

Shani Avrahami

Meshi Avrahami

Yotam Avrahami


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