Call Center Available, 4 Seats plus Remote, My CV attached


Call Center Available, 4 Seats plus Remote, My CV attached
Part Time, Full Time

Mordechai Zeev Habershtam

0528-259-175 // 02-581-4275 // [email protected]

** March 2023 - present / DLProductions, Beit Shemesh

Temporary Call Center projects, (remote)

** June 21, 2021 – January 2023 / DocProbe Mortgage Services (CityBook)

Call Center (75% remote)

B2B, USA hours

Document Procurement / Salaried Sales

Calling from the CRM data base - 90-100 calls per night

Special email project, very successful.

** 2016 – 2021 / Independent Contractor

Many short-term call center projects - legitimate products only.

Trade Shows – Virtual office and Appointment setting.

** 2006 – 2016 / UKA , Yerushalayim office

I traveled the world (Europe, Turkey, Asia, South Africa, UK, Canada) writing initial reports on factories seeking Kosher supervision. I was the 1st face-to-face contact in the sales evaluation process.

** 2005 – 2006 / RamsGate Leasing (CityBook)

B2B, USA hours

Telephone sales of financing for business equipment.

Sourced my own leads (80%)

** 2004 – 2005 / Lending Expert

B2B, USA hours

Telephone sales of mortgage lead subscriptions.

Data base was provided. I also sourced my own leads.

** 2003 - 2004 / IDT Mortgage Project


B2C, 11pm-6am Israel time

Solicitation of residential mortgage prospects to be called by the sales team.

Automatic dialer

** Education

/ NorthWestern consolidated universities / BA Industrial Psychology, graduated 1975

/ Received multi state Real Estate sales license 1980

/ Roosevelt School of Law – continuing education for my RE License.

/ San Francisco Hilton Kitchen and Bakery / hotel school.

(I was co-owner, hands on, of Park Lane Cuisine 1986-2008)
