Amazing Property w/ Options For Sale in Ramat Beit Shemesh Aleph

Real Estate For Sale

Amazing Property w/ Options For Sale in Ramat Beit Shemesh Aleph
3,600,000 NIS 5 Rooms
Floor 0 140 m² Parking, Handicap Accessible, AC, Laundry room, Shelter room (Mamad), Storage (Machsan), Exclusivity, Garden Agent Lemkin Realty - Ruchama 054-793-1975 [email protected]
Nachal Sorek Beit Shemesh

Spacious 140m Apartment + 2 Gardens

Private Entrance

Many options with Ishurim and Huge potential

Storage room

Parking spot

All of 1 floor - wheelchair access

Very central location in the mishkanot yaakov area

near stores and shuls
