KKL-JNF launches live birdwatching feeds at Lake Hula


KKL-JNF launches live birdwatching feeds at Lake Hula

KKL-JNF launches live birdwatching feeds at Lake Hula

Full article at: https://bit.ly/live-cameras-hula-lake

The Hula Valley is a major stopover for birds migrating between Africa, Europe and Asia

through the Syrian-African Rift Valley.

Keren Kayemeth LeIsrael-Jewish National Fund (KKL-JNF) announced on Sunday that it has begun a birdwatching project for the benefit of nature lovers and birdwatchers of all experience levels. The project uses a network of eight HD cameras and complex   electric infrastructure including fiber optics and wireless communications systems at Lake Hula in northern Israel's Hula Valley.

I added links to each of the 8 cameras at:



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