Debbie Wolf Hair Removal | Aesthetic Medicine | Beauty | Massage

Beauty & Fashion

Debbie Wolf Hair Removal | Aesthetic Medicine | Beauty | Massage
077-2319943 [email protected]
JERUSALEM: עם ומלאו 3 (כנפי נשרים), BEIT SHEMESH: רחוב מלאכי 1, MODIIN ILLIT: מרכז קסם


Don't Compromise - You Deserve the Best

Hair Removal, Aesthetic Medicine, Full Beauty Care: Facials, Manicure, Pedicure, Medical Massage, Cosmetics on-site.

The Reasons why to choose Debbie Wolf:

Approved equipment at an international level

We use the most advanced equipment in Israel for the benefit of the quality of treatment

High branch layout

You can get service with the most advanced equipment in Israel at the branches: Jerusalem, Beit Shemesh, Modi'in and Bnei Brak.

VIP service

The service is provided in the branches by a skilled and professional team that undergoes professional training all the time.

Spots? Wrinkles? Scars? Redness? Varicose Veins?

Hair Removal:

Debbie Wolf, the pioneer in the field of laser hair removal, has been leading the field for 30 years and brings the best, leading and most accurate answer in the world.
At the Debbie Wolf Center, we use the most advanced laser devices in the world, available only in Israeli hospitals. In the center, a team of professional women with a diploma and extensive experience in hair removal, who are undergoing special training for the precise use of the innovative equipment that cools the skin during the treatment and helps in an effective treatment without pain.

Beauty Department:

A skin care and maintenance routine is essential for all women and especially for those who have issues with redness, capillaries, pigmentation, acne, wrinkles. You can enjoy a variety of facial treatments for all skin types - preparations, pedicures, manicures, massages, contouring, and more.

All the treatments in the department are given by a team of highly experienced professionals who give an accurate and professional answer to each one.

When purchasing cosmetics and make-up products, it is very important to be careful to match the products to the skin type in order to avoid side effects and get the most from the product.

Aesthetic Medicine:

The medical department is managed by doctors who specialize in the treatment of various skin problems with extensive experience and a track record of thousands of satisfied patients. Using the most advanced equipment in the world, available in a limited number of hospitals in Israel. 

All our equipment is supervised and approved by the Ministry of Health. 

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