SERVICE: Experienced American Chiropractor, In between the holidays


Feb 29, 2020 | Miscellaneous | National
SERVICE: Experienced American Chiropractor, In between the holidays

March is a busy month, the office will be closed on:

2/3/20, Election Day

10-11/3/20, Purim Holiday Vacation

13/3/20:  I will be attending a continuing education seminar

20/3/20:  Jerusalem Marathon, I will be participating

Now is the time to recommit to yours and your family’s health. Make Chiropractic an essential part of your routine, along with proper sleep and nutrition, exercise and stress reduction.

Chiropractic is safe and effective for all ages, and optimizes the function of the body on the neurological, structural, physiological and chemical level.  Don’t just think headaches or back pain!

Located in the Nayot/Rasko/Katamon area, and with 23 years of experience, I am happy to help.  I work Sunday through Friday, and I am happy to help.

Shabbat Shalom!

Dr. Leora Danzig Leeder

Family Chiropractor

Find us on Facebook:  Commonwealth Chiropractic Jerusalem

0523-802-704 (Cellular)

02-678-9871 (Telefax)

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