Yad Ezra V'Shulamit - HELP HUNGRY TODAY


Yad Ezra V'Shulamit - HELP HUNGRY TODAY

Hallo am yisrael

    Thank you for all the times in the past you generously helped us feed the hungry children of Israel.

Now, with the war, unfortunately – we have so many more mouths to feed.

Yad Ezra V’Shulamit has embarked in helping with the war effort by mobilizing trucks filled with food to send to people who are once again under fire.

Each truck contains a weeks’ worth of food for 200 people and costs $26,000 each. 

Up until now, we have sent 63 trucks to the cities of, NetivotOfakimKiryat MalachiBeer Sheva, and other war-torn cities.

Additionally, upon the request of the army, we have sent over 33 trucks full of food, water, and tactical gear to the soldiers fighting on the front lines. 

We are also helping displaced residents staying in hotels by giving them vouchers, toys and activities for children, and providing emotional support to thousands.

In addition there are many programs that we traditionally do that we need to address such as children without coats and this cold winter.

We hope that you will stand by us and help us:

Donate here

The link below shows photos & videos of how YOU & Yad Ezra V'Shulamit are impacting and helping these people:


Hadassa Eisenthal

Telephone toll free: 1-866-978-5049

Or Call: 917-201-7836
Email: [email protected]:
Web: www.yadezra.net
Feeding Israel's Hungry Children


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