Kabbalah and Self-Healing / Uprooting Negative Energy through...


Kabbalah and Self-Healing / Uprooting Negative Energy through...
Virtual (Zoom, FB, Youtube, etc) 26/12/2021 30/01/2022 Starts 19:00 Ends 21:00 500 NIS

Thank you to all of you who are so engaged in my Kabbalah and Selfhealing courses, and who don’t want the courses to end. I have now designed a new Kabbalah and Selfhealing course for you! Kabbalah & Selfhealing Course 4. Uprooting Negative Energy through Forgiveness, Anger Management and Elevating Fear, while Strengthening Emunah and Song. This course guides us in self refinement synchronized with the energy of the months of Tevet and Shevat. I invite you to join us on this journey.

Next Course: Starts December 26, 2021

**Early bird discount until December 19

Dates: December 26, Jan 2, 9, 23, 30

Time: Noon-2 pm EST | 7-9 pm Israel on Zoom

Check out the course curriculum, and more information on Kabbalah and Self-Healing, and Emunahealing Courses + registration link here www.berotbatayin.org/kabbalah-and-self-healing-4

*There is no requirement to have taken any of my prior courses, each course stands on its own.


Kabbalah & Selfhealing 4. Uprooting Negative Energy through Forgiveness, Anger Management and Elevating Fear, while Strengthening Emunah and Song.

This course guides us in self refinement synchronized with the energy of the months of Tevet and Shevat. At first glance, Tevet looks like a dark month, where anger and agitation rule rampantly. “He made the letter Ayin king over agitation, He bound a crown to it and with it He formed Capricorn in the Universe and Tevet in the year, and the liver in the soul” (Sefer Yetzira, Chapter 5). Yet, the month takes its name from Hatavah, self-betterment and preparation for illumination. This process continues during the month of Shevat with its letter Tzadi symbolizing righteousness. The work of these two months enables us to become like the fruit-bearing tree to which humanity is compared. Overcoming negativity through anger management and forgiveness during Tevet is completed by increasing righteousness, through elevating fears, strengthening emunah and praising Hashem with music and song during Shevat. The letter of Tevet which means “Eye” alludes to the change of perspective necessary for learning to view even what agitates us to the extreme as a most welcome challenge to reach self-refinement and forgiveness. Anger is compared to idol-worship, because it has no place, when we truly believe in Hashem and trust that whatever He sends our way – even the darkest negativity – has a purpose to help us grow and improve our character. We can utilize the sparks of agitation, which challenge us during Tevet as a springboard to uproot anger and grow deeper roots of faith and trust in Hashem during Shevat. We will practice EmunaHealing exercises for forgiveness, transforming negativity and resentments and overcoming fear while receiving practical tools for how to channel our fears, angers and negative feelings in positive ways. The course includes the popular workshop: “The Healing Power of the Shema Yisrael” which enables us to nullify negative energy by letting Hashem’s unified light take root in our lives.


***Early bird discount until December 19, 2021

**Dates: December 26, Jan 2, 9, 23, 30, 2021/22

*women only


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