Dr. Elizabeth Kay, Voice Therapist in Jerusalem


Dr. Elizabeth Kay, Voice Therapist in Jerusalem
0544515021 [email protected] https://voicetherapy.bravesites.com/voice
89 Herzyl Boulevard, Beit Hakerem, Jerusalem Jerusalem

Voice therapy is suitable for all ages: children, adolescents, adults and seniors. I specialize in treating voice disorders affected by physiological or psychological circumstances.

The treatment is helpful for:

  • Those seeking to restore vocal abilities affected by physiological circumstances, such as vocal cord misuse, vocal cord polyps, impairment of vocal quality, aphasia, and more.
  • Anyone whose emotional difficulties affect their voice, such as in cases of prolonged hoarseness, selective mutism, vocal loss, speech flow difficulties, stuttering, vocal dysregulation, and more.
  • Children with speech delay, developmental or communication disorders.
  • Anyone who uses their voice extensively or uniquely and seeks to develop or restore their voice, such as: lecturers, teachers, therapists, group leaders, public speakers, singers and actors.

You are welcome to contact me for additional details and to schedule an initial session.

Dr. Elizabeth Kay

Tel. 054-4515021

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