International Holocaust Remembrance Day is January 27.
On my website, there are 170+ links to learn about the Holocaust.
Site languages include English, Hebrew, French, German,
Italian, Russian, and Spanish.
Since I created the page in1997, I have been updating it
at least 2 times a year: before International Holocaust
Remembrance Day - January 27 and before
Yom HaShoah - this year on April 28, 2022.
This week, I found that several sites on my list have
closed down. If a site closed, I will try to find
a copy of its content in the Internet archive.
If I am listing the content from the archive,
I will write near the link: "via archive.org".
This year, I discovered on Youtube, a video called:
"There Once Was a Town" - a 90-minute
documentary about the small town of
Eishyshok, Poland - now Lithuania.
The film is narrated by actor Ed Asner,
a descendant of an Eishyshok family.
Reknowned professor and author
Yaffa Eliach leads a group in its search
for remnants of Jewish life that flourished
before the war.
I embedded the video in the video section
of my page.
Please share this message. Thank you.
We must not forget.