SHORT FILM: "1500 Sandwiches for Soldiers"


SHORT FILM: "1500 Sandwiches for Soldiers"
Virtual (Zoom, FB, Youtube, etc) 27/03/2024 24/04/2024 Starts 12:00 Ends 17:00

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Israel is at war and volunteerism is at its peak, with numerous support initiatives to provide for the soldiers and many citizens who have been evacuated from danger zones.

One effort took place mid-October, at an Angel Bakery cafe in the Talpiot neighborhood of Jerusalem, where volunteers gathered to make 1500 sandwiches that would be delivered that day to soldiers in a number of locations.

This example of community support, and corporate donation (the sandwich items were from Angel Bakery and suppliers), is documented carefully and creatively in photographer and filmmaker Judah S. Harris's short film "1500 Sandwiches for Soldiers," that has just been released on YouTube.  

"Though it would have been nice to observe, and film, the receipt of the sandwiches by soldiers, we can infer from other videos we have seen of soldiers receiving packages (and not only food) the gesture that it represents. In the film, you can hear one woman say - in Hebrew - "Whoever will get this..." as she carefully places sliced cucumbers and tomato on top of the cheese slices in the roll."
- Judah S. Harris

Watch "1500 Sandwiches for Soldiers" (4.5 min):


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