International Sukkah Dance-A-Thon


International Sukkah Dance-A-Thon
Virtual (Zoom, FB, Youtube, etc), Physical 07/10/2020 Starts 00:05 Ends 21:00



1. Play the day's song at full volume in your succah - you can also find it on Youtube and Spotify (we announce each day's song in the Whatsapp groups - join here!)

2. Dance your brains out in the Succah, and video the fun!

3. Send the video to one of our female judges, or as we like to call them, 
The Supreme Court of Simcha!

4. Every day we pick a winner! All winners announced after Sukkot! Cash prizes!

5. Most importantly HAVE FUN!!

If you would like to Sponsor a day of Simcha - please get in touch!

(Ask us for the daily song in case it's already been announced!)


ACHI stands for Olam Chesed Yibaneh, and it is an organization dedicated to all sorts of chesed to help yidden.

Our projects include:

  • Covid Chesed Volunteers Group, with thousands of acts of chesed done by nearly 200 volunteers for an entire city.
  • COVID Tzedaka Fund, raising and distributing well over one hundred thousand shekels to families in need due to the COVID financial crisis.
  • Bureaucracy help for new Olim trying to navigate life in Israel.
  • Jobs group with over seven thousand members.
  • Virtual Cheider teaching Torah and great stories to kids for free during lockdown.
  • Team Sports for Men, to help get people exercising again and making/meeting friends.
  • COVID - flatten the curve, diet group to help people struggling with weight from lockdown.
  • Succah Dance-a-thon, to help people remain happy even when most chol hamo'ed activities are cancelled, We're practically paying you to have fun!

See more/donate

Thanks and Enjoy! חגים וזמנים לששון


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