Shavuout Retreat in Beautiful Bat Ayin


Shavuout Retreat in Beautiful Bat Ayin

✨ Join us for our Shavuot Shabbton in beautiful Bat Ayin! Catch the early bird discount and register before June 14th! ✨

Come to our beautiful mountain campus and receive the Torah with us on Shavuot! Experience the unique spiritual atmosphere that flows through Bat Ayin as you enjoy a Shavuot of inspiration, nature and learning!

✡︎ Delve into mystical texts in our all-night learning!

✡︎ Learn spiritual insights about Shavuot!

✡︎ Free yourself from the hustle & bustle of city life as you relax in nature and fully connect to Shavuot!

✡︎ Be inspired by our amazing Bat Ayin community of Rabbis, Rebbetzins, teachers and healers!

Early bird registration! Anytime before June 14th use this coupon code for ₪50 off - *50MBBA*

Sign up with the link below!

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