Women's Kinneret Swimathon - Swim4Sadna - registration is open!


Women's Kinneret Swimathon - Swim4Sadna - registration is open!

Women's Kinneret Swimathon for Sadnat Shiluv 2023 - registration is open!

Coupon code for early registration!The 13th annual Swim4Sadna is on its way, and you can enjoy a discount for early bird registration. If you can't swim, you can also help with a donation.The swimathon is a fundraising event for the residents of Sadnat Shiluv.Swim4Sadna is a swimming challenge where the swimmers raise money for various projects in Sadnat Shiluv. This year, we are raising money to build an accessible apartment for women with various disabilities so they can enjoy independence and be part of the housing program in Sadnat Shiluv.Sadnat Shiluv is an educational institution in Gush Etzion, comprising 2 special education schools, a housing program, an inclusive community, and various employment opportunities.Coupon code for discounted registration until 1.4: אלופהFor further details and registration: https://tickchak.co.il/39000/en?ref=rkIf you can't swim, you can still help by giving a tax-deductible donation: https://bit.ly/42c3W54WhatsApp for more info: 054-9938840



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