Ramat Givaat Zeev

Real Estate For Sale

Ramat Givaat Zeev
2,550,000 NIS 5 Rooms
140 m² Parking, Elevator, AC, Laundry room, Shelter room (Mamad), Storage (Machsan), Garden, Balcony, Brand new Owner Eli 0584258253 [email protected]
התן גבעת זאב


Ramat Givat Zeev is a luxurious neighborhood located approximately 15 minutes from the center of Jerusalem. The neighborhood is already in the occupancy stages, and a unique community is being established. Many of the buyers are from the US.
Ramat Givat Zeev includes about 500 housing units (apartments and homes), shuls, schools, a shopping area, spacious green parks, playgrounds, tennis, and basketball courts. Additionally, a Mikvah is under construction.
