Here is How to Stand Out in An Interview Like an Absolute Boss


Here is How to Stand Out in An Interview Like an Absolute Boss

You have sent tons of resumes and finally, you have been invited to an interview. This is your chance to show them that you are not only the best candidate for the job, but that you are in fact the person they have been looking for.

Many job seekers get to the interview stage after beating hundreds of competing candidates just to blow their chances as soon as they set foot into the company’s door or parking lot.

I remember the story of a brilliant scholar and an average student who were applying for the one and only available spot in a prestigious yeshivah. After the interview, the rebbeim were in disbelief that the Rosh yeshivah had selected the average student over the brilliant one. The Rosh yeshivah explained to them that he had watched both candidates through his window as they entered the building. The brilliant student had stepped on a piece of schach (succah cover) while the average student walked around it.

I know of many interviewers who look through their window too. Many make a decision right at that moment. Others ask their receptionist about the looks and behavior of the candidates before they are ushered in for the interview. The interview starts before you meet the interviewer. This means that you must be prepared and you must act accordingly.

The preparation for the interview should really start as soon as you get the invitation (assuming you have not done it earlier). You must do serious research about the company you are applying to, the position available, the person you will be answering to, and the interviewer. You can find this information online, through people you know that work for the same employer, and by asking questions to the person who called you to schedule the interview. Ask, among other questions, whom the interview is with, if the interviewer is the person you would be reporting to, how long has he/she been with the company, the corporate culture in terms of dress code, etc. Make sure you are tactful when asking the questions; the last thing you want is to come across as controversial.

We will discuss in the next article how to act during your interview to ensure you take advantage of your only chance to make a first impression.

We will also discuss in subsequent articles how the interview should be a two way street; an opportunity to make you an interviewer as well. Properly done, it’s a great strategy to put the employer in the “hot seat” too.

Ariel Topf

Ariel is the CEO of Ariel has built several companies in 3 continents in the fields of Internet, High-Tech, Retail, Franchising, Food Manufacturing, Clothing Manufacturing, Direct Sales, Wholesale, Personal Development, Restaurant, Advertising and Publishing. In this process, Ariel has headhunted, hired, trained, managed and/or mentored over 20,000 individuals.


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