The Yerushataynu lists sifrei kodesh


The Yerushataynu lists sifrei kodesh

The Yerushataynu google sheet lists donated sifrei kodesh that you can have for free - you just have to come and get them.

It contains two worksheets:

  • a worksheet listing donated Hebrew sifrei kodesh (ספרי קודש לקחת)
  • a worksheet listing donated English sifrei kodesh (English Judaica).

In these worksheets:

  • The "Location" and "מיקום" columns specify each book's location. (Make sure you can get to that location.)
  • The "Contact Info" and "מיקום" columns specify the email address of each book's owner.

To get book(s) listed in the Yerushataynu google sheet: Send an email specifying the book you want to the email address listed in its "Contact Info" or "מיקום" column and arrange a time and place to pick up the book.

To list the book(s) you want to donate in the Yerushataynu google sheet:

Send an email to [email protected] with the Subject "Books to Donate". You will be sent a form to fill out.


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