
Full Time
0542550770 [email protected]
שבתאי יעקב תל אביב -יפו, מחוז תל אביב

My name is David Inbar. As a CEO of technology-driven organizations as well as other industries, I have extensive experience, and deep knowledge of Business Development, marketing, sales strategies, and product positioning according to market demand.

I have a proven track record in Business Development in Israel and abroad. I worked in territories such as Africa (Mozambique, Angola), EuroAsia (Azerbaijan, Czech Republic), and the United States, identifying and recruiting partners, analyzing business opportunities, and developing new markets.

I am an experienced leader of teams and processes who understands international markets and cultures. My interpersonal skills are excellent, and I am reliable and representative.

Currently, I am seeking a challenging and exciting position in Israel or abroad.

Thank you in advance

David Inbar
