Client Relations and Operations Manager


Feb 13, 2024 | Jobs | Administration | National
Client Relations and Operations Manager
Part Time, Full Time, Work from home
Work from home


  • Facilitate effective communication with clients through various channels such as WhatsApp, email, and phone, ensuring prompt and professional responses.
  • Analyze and comprehend client requirements, providing a thorough understanding of their needs to facilitate effective recruitment processes.
  • Evaluate potential candidates and align them with client specifications to ensure a precise match between talent and client expectations.
  • Provide continuous support and conduct weekly check-ins with clients to address any concerns, ensuring a seamless and positive client experience.
  • Manage and supervise all projects on the Asana platform, ensuring timely and efficient completion of tasks and milestones.
  • Exercise oversight over the entire workforce, offering guidance and support to maintain a high level of productivity and efficiency.
  • Review contracts thoroughly, ensuring accuracy and completeness, and oversee the execution of contractual agreements.
  • Manage payment setup and client onboarding processes to guarantee a smooth and efficient transition for clients.
  • Conduct final interviews with both clients and candidates to ensure alignment with expectations and satisfaction with the recruitment process.

Skills & Experience Required:

  • Proven experience in team management or supervision.
  • Proficient technical and computer skills.
  • Exceptional customer management and communication abilities.
  • Demonstrated capability to understand and fulfill customer needs effectively.
  • Strong ability to handle pressure and navigate challenging interpersonal situations.

Work from home in Israel. US hours, 10 am - 2/3 pm (EST). and then increasing over time to full time us hoursApply online!/9edde14c-1170-4929-b8b0-fdcefa03c959/detail or email [email protected]


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