Womb and Abdominal Massage Bodywork and Energetic Healing


Womb and Abdominal Massage Bodywork and Energetic Healing
0507942872 [email protected]

My name is Rachelle, and I have studied herbalism and integrative health for ten years, and the feminine arts and shamanic healing since Fall of 2017.

The type of massage that I do is called Mayan Abdominal massage. It is for anyone who wants to bring more healing and connection with their womb and abdominal center. All health related including but not limited to : irregular cycles, fertility, digestive issues, and abdominal pain.

I do the work that I do because ten years ago, I was afraid of my cycles and in absolute intense chronic digestive pain and was on the pill. I didn’t know what to do and then decided to book an Mayan Abdominal Massage, and the rest is history! I’ve studied with the best teachers and wisdom keepers to create and fully support a place in myself to nourish all of me, and to nourish my clients! Your body is your greatest teacher, gift her with a loving and nurturing session to tend to your womb 🌹 I look forward to speaking with you soon!

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