Hamavrik - Home and Office Professional Cleaners


Hamavrik - Home and Office Professional Cleaners


is a cleaning company founded in 1970, and since then offers cleaning and polishing services within 24 hours. The company's professionals provide a variety of services: cleaning new and old apartments in the private and institutional market, polishing and polishing floors, cleaning offices and more.

Hamavrik is the first cleaning company founded in the country. All its customers are insured with third-party insurance and all cleaning materials are manufactured by Snow and Sivan. The company provides its services nationwide in its branches in Tel Aviv, Jerusalem and Haifa.

Among the brilliant customers: the Airports Authority, the Knesset of Israel, the Ministry of Defense, Tel Hashomer Hospital, Ichilov Hospital, Beilinson Hospital, Sheraton Ramat Gan Hotel, Mozes, the steak meeting and more.

Customers recommend "Brilliant"! Call us for a friendly conversation and a free quote at 052-243-6163

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