Kivrei Tzadikim Trip with Rebbetzin Tziporah Gottleib/Heller!


May 22, 2023 | Events | Workshops | National
Kivrei Tzadikim Trip with Rebbetzin Tziporah Gottleib/Heller!
Physical 06/06/2023 06/06/2023 Starts 08:00 Ends 23:00 550 NIS


A Davening trip for Women

At the Kivrei Tzaddikim in Eretz Yisrael


Rebbetzin Tziporah Gottleib/Heller

A unique opportunity to open the gates of tefillah

By evoking the merit of the great tzaddikim!

In the most amazing beauty of Eretz Israel

See the greatness of Hashem, thanking and opening your heart

Tuesday 17th of Sivan – 6th of June 2023

8am-11pm approximately

Join us for an unforgettable trip!
Bus pick-up points in Yerushalayim and Beit Shemesh.

· Kever of Rabbi Halafta and his sons

· Kever of Eliezer Ben Yaakov and his father

· Kever of Rabbi Nehemya Haamsuni · Kever of Rabbi Yishmael – A Tana and grandson of Rabbi Yishmael Kohen Gadol

· Kever Rabbi Meir Baal Haness

· Kever HaRambam

· Kever HaShlah

· Kever Yohanan Ben Zakai

and more if time permits

Also on the program:
Gourmet Dinner at the Moshav of Migdal

& Glass Paint Workshops!!

Accompanied by inspiring shiurim and the unforgettable ruach created by being

with other women who want more in their lives.

Cost: 550 NIS

Bring a friend and pay only 520 NIS each

Early bird 490 NIS (before Shavuos)

Sign up here:

Or Call now to book!

Devorah 0548495896 089743013 [email protected]

Comments from women who participated in trips in the past:

I came on a trip you organised 3 years ago. It's one of the most meaningful and enjoyable trips I have ever been on!

Ester - Leaving from Ramat Beit Shemesh.

Thank you so much for a fabulous and extremely inspiring trip. Please keep me posted on all future trips.

Thanks so much.

Chodesh tov,


Thank you and your very special family for such a wonderful trip. It was an amazing Chizuk and wonderful recharge for me. Please let me know about future trips.

Have a great Shabbos!


I loved the trip-- very inspiring

Being with your mom is like being with a rebbi!


Dear Deborah

I feel like my spiritual batteries have been recharged...

Whose ever tefillas are answered is in your Zechus.

May Hashem shower you & your family with more brachas than you can ever hold.

With appreciation to you , The Rebbetzin, your daughter Esty & Rachel.

Thank you



Sending voice clip of singing in the kever..


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