Interested in teaching English PRIVATELY?


Interested in teaching English PRIVATELY?


Ever thought about starting your own thing and tutoring English to Israeli children, but weren't sure where to start?

I've been running my own tutoring business for a few years now, and I'm considering creating a short online course tailored other olim who want to do the same. 

Absolutely no experience or degree needed!

But obviously, before I dive into creating this course, I want to make sure there's enough interest and demand among our community.

The course would take a few weeks to complete and would cover:

  • Developing effective lesson plans and teaching strategies for different age groups
  • Creating engaging activities and materials
  • Finding your first students!

If this sounds like something you'd be interested in, please reach out via text or WhatsApp at 058-407-5578

Notice: Due to the potential damage of unfair and biased comments Janglo allows only positive reviews.